Thursday, April 29, 2010

Counting my blessings

I am so lucky to have support from a wonderful husband who has never questioned my decisions. How did I get so lucky! I have had many moments of doubt in my ability to be of real service in this endeavor, but I have so many who have given me words of support and offered their prayers. Thank you!

As the day when I leave draws near, I find it difficult to sleep at night. My mind is so busy ticking items off my to-do list, realizing how much I'll miss my family, and I just can't seem to quiet my mind--I'm really feeling tired.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Getting Close!

8 days to go!

I have spent quite a lot of time working in the clinic with our technicians. They are awesome! They have patiently taught me a variety of technical skills (tonometry, refraction, slit lamp, retinoscope). I wish I could say I have mastered these skills, but it wouldn't be true; however, I hope I have retained enough to do my trainers proud.

I have completed 13 1-hour strength-training workouts and 6 1-hour cardio workouts since March 1. I've lost about 15 pounds, but the strength and flexibility I've gained are what I've appreciated most. I have two more strength and one more cardio workout before leaving.

I'm gradually gathering most of the items I need to take with me to Togo. It's difficult to know exactly what might be needed. Of course, I've referred to the list of recommended items, and I'm trying to strike a balance between what I really need and the inclination to overpack.

I'm not sure I'll be posting again before I go to West Africa. I plan to work for a few hours the morning of May 7, then, I'll drive to SeaTac, get checked in, and meet Julia at our gate. Our flight for Paris leaves at 1:45 p.m. In Paris, we'll connect with other volunteers who will accompany us on our flight to Lome, Togo. This is all very exciting!