Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

Here it is Wednesday. I'm really feeling the time winding down. Tuesday and Wednesday, I spent at the Hospitality Center with the Tech Team. Tonight, there is a presentation on the importance of preoperative measurements in calculating lens implant powers. We will also hear results from a study of surgical outcomes by Dr. Wodome. We will have doctors visiting from Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana.
Tomorrow, I plan to spend with the Field Team again. In the evening, I will do my laundry.
Friday, I will work a half-day. That gives me an opportunity to say goodbye to the Day Workers.
Saturday, I will clean my berth, pack, and leave for the airport at 7:00pm. WOW! What an experience!
Shannon has been such a great coordinator with a wonderful spirit. Woody is always upbeat and energetic and is a fantastic teacher. Joel has such a kind heart and that great Irish sense of humor. Logan is a gentle soul and fun to be around. I have been truly blessed to meet these people and serve with Mercy Ships.